Does pots cause hair loss?

Have you ever wondered if a condition called POTS can make your hair fall out? Well, you’re in the right place. POTS is for “Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome,” and it is a bit of a mouthful. But don’t worry, we’ll break it down. It isn’t something that people are talking about, there’s not that much of conversation you know about it.

In this article, we’re going to discuss whether POTS and hair loss are connected in any way. So, if you’re curious to learn more about POTS and its potential effects on your hair, keep on reading.

Does POTS cause hair loss?

POTS is a medical condition that can make you feel dizzy or lightheaded when you stand up. It happens because your heart beats very fast when you change positions.

There isn’t a direct connection between POTS and hair loss that doctors know for sure. POTS mainly affects things like your heart rate and blood pressure. Some common reasons for hair loss include

  • genetics (which means it can run in your family),
  • stress,
  • certain medications, and
  • other health issues.

While POTS itself might not cause hair loss, the stress that comes with having a medical condition like POTS could play a role. When our bodies are stressed, it can sometimes affect our hair growth cycle and lead to hair shedding.

But it’s important to remember that not everyone with POTS will experience hair loss. If you do, it might be due to a combination of factors. If you’re worried about hair loss and you have POTS, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor.

They can help figure out if there’s an underlying reason for your hair loss and suggest ways to manage it. Remember, hair loss is a common concern, and there are often ways to address it or reduce its impact.

What is the side effect of POTS?

Here are the side effects of POTS presented in points:

  • Feeling dizzy when standing up.
  • Having a fast heartbeat, especially when changing positions.
  • Fatigue or tiredness.
  • Difficulty with physical activities.
  • Trouble concentrating or brain fog.
  • Nausea or stomach discomfort.
  • Headaches.
  • Sensitivity to heat.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Pale or cool skin.

Not everyone with POTS experiences all these side effects, and the severity can vary. If you suspect you have POTS or experience these symptoms, consult a doctor for guidance. Get knowledge about does Aveeno shampoo cause hair loss.

Is there any specific treatments for hair loss for POTS?

There aren’t specific treatments for hair loss directly linked to POTS. Yet, managing the health and well-being through POTS treatment. This might indirectly help you with hair loss that’s related to stress or general health.

If you’re experiencing hair loss and it’s bothering you, it’s a good idea to talk to a doctor. They can help find the underlying cause of your hair loss and suggest your treatments. Medical knowledge can evolve, so going to a professional for the most up-to-date information is essential.

Can you lose your hair permanently in POTS-related cases?

Hair loss associated with POTS can vary from person to person. Whether it’s permanent or not depends on the underlying cause. In cases where hair loss is triggered by stress or hormonal changes related to POTS.

It might not be permanent and could improve as the stress or underlying condition is managed. If hair loss is due to genetic factors or other unrelated reasons, it might be more difficult to reverse. Know about does raw sugar shampoo cause hair loss.


Your question was does pots cause hair loss? There isn’t a definite answer about whether POTS directly causes hair loss. While POTS affects things like heart rate, hair loss can happen like genetics and stress.

Stress from dealing with POTS might contribute to hair shedding, but it’s not the only factor. If you’re worried about hair loss with POTS, talking to a doctor can help you to understand. Just remember, there’s no need to worry too much – there are often ways to deal with hair loss and feel better about it.

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