Can Sjögren’s cause hair loss?

Can Sjögren’s cause hair loss? Sjögren’s Syndrome is a condition that affects some people. It can cause different problems in the body. One question that some people have is whether Sjögren’s Syndrome can make their hair fall out.

In this article, we will explore this question and give information in simple language so you can understand it better. Let’s begin by looking at what Sjögren’s Syndrome is and how it might be connected to hair loss.

Can Sjögren’s cause hair loss?

Sjögren’s Syndrome, a condition that affects some people, can sometimes lead to hair loss. To understand why, we need to know a bit about Sjögren’s Syndrome and how it affects the body.

Sjögren’s Syndrome affects moisture-producing glands in the body. Such as those that make saliva and tears. When these glands don’t work well, it can cause dryness in the mouth and eyes. But it’s not just these areas that can be affected.

Sometimes, Sjögren’s Syndrome can also affect the skin and lead to a condition called “skin dryness.” When the skin gets very dry, it can become itchy and cause hair loss. Hair loss can occur due to dryness and irritation of the scalp.

Medications used to manage Sjögren’s Syndrome can also play a role in hair loss as a side effect.

It’s important to note that not everyone with Sjögren’s Syndrome experiences hair loss. The severity and impact on hair can vary from person to person. Get knowledge about does garnier fructis cause hair loss.

What are the signs of Sjögren’s syndrome?

Sjögren’s Syndrome can make you feel different in several ways. Below are some signs to look out for include:

  1. Dry Mouth: Your mouth might feel very dry like there’s not enough saliva.
  2. Dry Eyes: Your eyes may feel dry, gritty, or irritated.
  3. Dry Skin: Your skin could become dry and itchy.
  4. Fatigue: You might feel extremely tired, even after resting.
  5. Joint Pain: Your joints, which are the places where your bones connect, can hurt.
  6. Swollen Glands: Some parts of your body, like the glands in your neck, might swell up.
  7. Trouble Swallowing: It could become hard to swallow food or liquids.
  8. Dental Problems: You might have more cavities or dental issues.

Remember, not everyone with Sjögren’s Syndrome will have all these signs, and they can vary from person to person. If you notice these signs and they bother you, it’s a good idea to talk to a doctor. They can help figure out if you have Sjögren’s Syndrome and what can be done to make you feel better. Know about does ostarine cause hair loss.

What’s The Treatment for Sjögren’s Hair Loss?

When Sjögren’s Syndrome causes hair loss, there are things you can do to help. Here are some treatments:

  1. Using special creams or oils on your scalp can help with dryness and irritation. It might stop hair from falling out.
  2. Your doctor may prescribe medicines to manage Sjögren’s Syndrome and reduce hair loss. These medicines can help control the symptoms and improve your health.
  3. Being gentle with your hair and avoiding tight hairstyles can save further hair damage.
  4. Some people choose to wear wigs or hairpieces if they’re worried about hair loss. All these tips can help you feel comfortable.
  5. Eating a balanced diet with nutrients like vitamins and proteins can promote hair growth and well-being.
  6. Stress can make hair loss worse. Learning to manage stress through relaxation techniques or therapy can be beneficial.


In conclusion, sometimes Sjögren’s can cause hair loss. This happens because it can make your skin very dry, which can irritate your scalp and affect your hair. Also, some medicines used to treat Sjögren’s Syndrome might cause hair loss as a side effect. Yet, not everyone with Sjögren’s Syndrome will face hair loss, and its effects can vary from person to person. If you’re worried about hair loss because of its Syndrome, it’s essential to talk to a doctor. They can give you advice and help you manage both the hair loss and the condition. Remember, you’re not alone, and there are ways to address these concerns.

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