Chin Implant Surgery Costs Risks and Procedure

The chin surgery is a plastic surgery procedure. It is used to improve one of the most outstanding features of the face jaw. With this plastic surgery, we can achieve various effects. We can get a little defined chin to give more character to the personality. If a very prominent chin is present, it can be reduced with a chin surgery. This cosmetic surgery is also used to treat any type of facial asymmetry. The increase of the chin is an intervention that balances facial features. Chin surgery offers a more harmonious face.

The most frequent technique to achieve the desired effects is through the chin implants. There are other alternatives to increase the chin, such as fillers, hyaluronic acid, and collagen. Unlike surgery, they are not definitive and last about six months before being reabsorbed by the body. The duration of these fillings will depend on the area and the patient but can range from 3 to 18 months.

Chin implants before and after

Before making any kind of Chin implants, we have to know what external aspect we look for. After talking carefully with the plastic surgeon, an assessment of the chin and jaw was made together with the face. The main factors are the structure of the bones of the face, the shape of the chin and nose, the thickness of the skin, age, and expectations. So that the patient has a clearer idea of ​​how his face would look after a Chin implant.

We offer a 3D simulation. In this way, we can talk and know what the patient may not like. It is at this moment when all the doubts must be raised. Then proceed to report all the technical aspects related to chin surgery. We should know what kind of surgery is going to be used and what guidelines we have to follow.

Postoperative in chin surgery

The postoperative period in chin surgery is characterized by mild inflammation in the cheek area. But it tends to subside within a few days. In a maximum of two weeks, it has to disappear.

  • The first day you have to stay with your head elevated. In the beginning, it is common for the wound to bleed slightly after surgery.
  • Therefore, a mouth rinse is provided with an oral antiseptic to prevent possible infection. Thus allow the tissues to recover. After the first week, all sutures are removed.
  • For a time we will have to follow the recommendations of our plastic surgeon on how to take care of the area. We also need to know which lifestyle we should take.
  • The results of a mentoplasty are immediate. Obviously, over a few weeks, the face will have swelling. It will prevent us from fully appreciating our new face.
  • Little by little, we will perceive it and our self-esteem will improve. The results will be appreciated in a year approximately.
  • On the day of the procedure, the patient should be fasting and with comfortable clothes. After 45 minutes of surgery and approximately 20 minutes more of recovery. The patient can return to his house to take the rest of the day.
  • The next day he can move normally and perform activities that do not require physical effort.
  • On the third day of recovery, he returns to Dr. for his first check-up and thereafter every three days for a month.

Types of anesthesia for Chin implant

Chin surgery can be performed with general anesthesia or local anesthesia. It depends on the type of procedure used by the plastic surgeon. Using local anesthesia sedation is achieved that sleeps the part of the cheek and the area surrounding it. We are awake, but we do not feel the area that is going to be treated. Throughout the operation, we will not notice anything.

How is the chin implant operation?

The technique of chin augmentation can be done in two ways. On the one hand, a silicone prosthesis, Goretex, etc. can be placed. On the other hand, being the most recommendable method, the structure of the chin is modified through an osteotomy.  In the latter procedure, a small titanium plate is placed. It temporarily stabilizes the bone modification. For the placement of the prosthesis, it is necessary to open a space in the chin where to place it.

Risks Factor

  • It is the true surgery of the chin scarcely involves risks. So, it is necessary to take precautions. For example, infections, hemorrhages, or even a reaction to anesthesia may occur. To minimize these risks, it is fundamental to follow the advice of the plastic surgeon before and after the operation.
  • There is an infection in the entire area, where the chin implant has been placed and cannot be controlled with antibiotics. However, surgery may be necessary to remove temporarily the implant until the infection disappears.
  • Inflammation, bruising, and discomfort after surgery. These are the typical symptoms of many operations.
  • Specific risks may be associated with the material used in the surgery. To fix the problem, the patient may need to undergo further surgery.

Chin implant recovery

You will feel some discomfort, bruising, and swelling in the chin and jaw area. It will occur for more than a few days after surgery. When speaking, you may notice discomfort. All these sensations should decrease considerably in a few days. Your surgeon will be in charge of informing you of what you cannot eat and how you should brush your teeth.

If the chin implant is placed through an incision in the mouth, you are likely to have restrictions on the types of foods. You can eat during the first few days of the recovery period. Surely, the doctor will recommend you to follow a soft diet. You take shakes of food supplements. You will obtain the necessary nutrients to be able to recover properly. But you should avoid damaging the treated area.

Importance of Chin Implant Surgery

The chin is a very important part of the frame of the face. A projected chin generates harmony and defines the facial features projecting sensuality. It is a vital feature to give beauty to the facial contour. Some people have a slightly pronounced, sunken, and small chin. In these cases, Surgery for the Chin becomes a definitive solution. It improves the appearance of the face. It also improves the proportion between the sizes of the chin. In most cases, the prosthesis is used when there is a chin deficiency. This simple procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia. It only requires three days of disability and can be done in conjunction with other facial or body surgeries. If the chin is very pronounced, we must see if it depends on a local problem. If it is the whole jaw, it needs to be corrected.

Chin implant cost

As in most aesthetic surgeries, the costs can be divided into three main sections. These are the surgeon’s fees for anesthesia and the fees for the facilities. The costs are variable and depend on the experience of the surgeon and the complexity of the procedure. For example, complicated procedures can last a few hours. This factor increases surgical costs. These surgical costs include anesthesia and the fee for the facilities. When you need more time in the operating room, the cost of it goes up. All this together increases the total price of the procedure.

In procedures where general anesthesia is required, it will be necessary for the patient to spend the first night in the hospital. Therefore, this makes the procedure more expensive. If the procedure is performed under local anesthesia, hospitalization will not be necessary. The cost of the facilities in which the procedure is carried out is a factor. That influences the price of the procedure. If you submit to more than one procedure at a time obviously, it will be more expensive. You should also bear in mind that there would be overlapping fees.

The average price of Chin surgery ranges between $1900 and $2700. However, there are cases in which it is possible that the operation can enter through Social Security or mutual insurance. In other cases, even if these entities do not take charge of the total cost of the surgery. They may take charge of a percentage. Facial reconstructions due to trauma or birth defects would be included in these last two points. They considered medically necessary procedures. Apart from the medical mutual, the surgeon can offer financing options. That can make the procedure or procedures more affordable. Consult with your mutual or your surgeon if financing options exist.


  • Improves the patient’s face
  • Provides harmony with the rest of the face
  • Increase the retracted chin
  • Corrects bone malformations of the chin bone


The chin augmentation procedures have a low risk. That has an incredible aesthetic result. The patient has a very significant aesthetic benefit in the long term because the implant lasts indefinitely.  Chin augmentation meets all standards of quality and asepsis in medical facilities. It uses implants of the best quality. The most important thing is that the patient has an unconditional accompaniment before and after the surgery.

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